Monday, September 29, 2008


After reading Josh Levin's article, Rappers and bloggers: separated at birth, I caught myself thinking, "Is there really a difference between rappers and bloggers?" I mean, I know that they are different, but then again they are also kind of the same. When you really think about the difference between rappers and bloggers, they are one in the same. Both are trying to get a point across. The ways they do so aren't really all that similar. One tells you how they feel by saying it so they are heard by others, while the other puts their felling on the Internet for others to read. For the most part, bloggers and rappers are of the same kind. They both express themselves in their own way.
I do think that the Internet age fosters cultural narcissism. It allows people to easily put what they think and how they feel about everything on the Internet for everyone to read. By being able to get on the internet and putting whatever you want about any topic makes you feel like what you think is more important than what it really is so, yes i do think that the internet makes you more narcissistic. I also believe that rapping fosters cultural narcissism due to the fact that rappers are highly narcissistic it makes most kids who want to be like them be cocky. I mean some kids might go their own way and not idolize a rapper and not be narcissistic or a kid who idolizes a rapper doesn't necessarily make them cocky. In conclusion, I believe that both rappers and bloggers are alike. I also believe that the Internet age and rapping incourage cultural narcissism.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Poets are hippes

I know many people who are my friends who write poetry that are not hippes. Many people just write poetry because they dont know how to say it to the people around them. I have had to write poetry acouple times for english classes in the past and i would never consider myself a hippie. So no i do not agree with this stereotype.